The American Senator visited Expo 67 one year before his assassination…
Par Carmen Desmeules (translated by Emilie Gosselin)
Photo credit : Library and Archives Canada
Thursday, July 6 1967
Senator Robert Kennedy, his wife Ethel and their seven kids visited Expo, not quite incognito! They were quickly recognized and acclaimed. They spent a few days on site, and much of their time at La Ronde!
Photo credit : Library and Archives Canada
“At the time, Senator Kennedy needed to get back to Washington, but Ethel stayed for an extra day or two with the kids to visit – there were quite a few of them! – and no one bothered them,” recalls Diana Nicholson, Public Affairs Liaison Officer at Expo 67.
A few months later, Yves Jasmin, the Director of Public Relations, has a bitter experience when Jackie Kennedy comes to visit, from October 6th to 8th…